From Pen to Paper

My own personal creative writings on random topics, mostly stories and poems.

I’ve always been fond of writing stories and fiction, it was a dream of mine to write a novel one day.  Unfortunately I have found that I suffer from a bit of writer’s block.  I find I tend to have good ideas, good characters, I just tend to have problems getting them from point A through all the other letters of the alphabet to point Z.  I tend to get suck around K.  As a result, I turned to writing poetry and was told I was pretty decent with that too, but looking back on my early work I’m thinking…yeah…not so much.  But anything new I come up with, or anything old I come across that I feel is halfway decent, I’ll put up here.

And away we go….

D&D Backstories:


Fan Fiction Stories

  • Dragon Age
  • Dragon Age II
  • Game of Thrones: I’m a big fan of the books, and when the show came out my imagination went into overdrive and I created a character to exist in and around the story.

Original Stories:

  • Ashaslaademora: Random short story idea I came up with, about a queen with a demon in her head.

  • Azmodaus: Written in high school, it’s supposed to explain what happened to all the mythological creatures in our world.  I meant to continue on with it, but dropped it for a few years and now I can’t pick up the thread of the story again.  With luck posting it here will help stir something and I can start it up again.
  • Kindred (The): I was part of a vampire LARP for a brief period of time back in Uni, and this is the back story for the character I created.  It may not be written very well, but I’m still rather proud of it as Siren is the first politically manipulative character I had ever created.
  • Life of a Demon: I created a character for a fan fiction story based on my favorite vampire romance series Black Dagger Brotherhood.  The story isn’t finished yet, but these are some of the dialogue ideas I’ve come up with and like enough to share in advance.
  • One Night: For Mature Audiences Only-Intro to a one shot scene I came up with long before 50 Shades of Grey.
  • Wyersa: A story I had to write as an assignment for my grade 12 English class.  I liked it, so I kept it, and now I share it! (Note: The creatures of this story were inspired by the creatures in a book I read around the same time, I just can’t remember the title of the book.)

Please note (aka Dislcaimer): Everything here is originally created, all settings and characters are my property unless otherwise noted.  You may not copy my work, publish it in any form, or post it on another web site in whole or part without my permission.  The Interweb gods will not be pleased if you do.

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