16071748Or Druid, whatever the case may be….

Hunted is the sixth book in the Iron Druid Chronicles and poor Atticus is up the creek with no shore in sight even if he did have the paddle.

After trapping the Roman god of wine to save his own life, Atticus, Granuale, and Oberon have at least two pantheons -the Greeks and Romans- against them, the Norse are watching and taking bets, and the Celtic gods are either conveniently absent or secretly plotting against him.

So yeah, they gots to run, quick fast and far in order to have any chance to survive.

Fortunately, they do manage to make it to a safe haven and work out something to keep everyone off their backs for a least a little bit of time, but at a great cost.

We lose one character that had been with us from the beginning, one that was fascinating, scary, but in the end entirely misunderstood as they sacrificed themself to give Atticus and the others the barest sliver of life.  I for one, will miss her terribly.

Little bit of a bittersweet ending, one helluva shocker halfway through and at the end when not one but two people are brought back from the dead, and all in all Hunted is a good continuation of the series.  Interesting to see what happens in book seven.

Going back a few years here, to one of my favorite contemporary fictions series: A Dublin Student Doctor by Patrick Taylor.

10821512In the 1930s, fresh from a stint in the Royal Navy Reserve, and against the wishes of his disapproving father, Fingal O’Reilly goes to Dublin to study medicine. Fingal and his fellow aspiring doctors face the arduous demands of Trinity College and Sir Patrick Dun’s Hospital. The hours are long and the cases challenging, but Fingal manages to find time to box and play rugby—and to romance a fetching, gray-eyed nurse named Kitty O’Hallorhan.

Dublin is a city of slums and tenements, where brutal poverty breeds diseases that the limited medical knowledge of the time is often ill-equipped to handle. His teachers warn Fingal not to become too attached to his patients, but can he truly harden himself to the suffering he sees all around him—or can he find a way to care for his patients without breaking his heart?
